随着大功率、大采高综采设备的投入使用,我国煤矿综采设备大多采用的1 140 V电压等级供电越来越不适应生产的需求。综采设备电压等级提高到3 300 V可以提高供电质量,为综采工作面高产高效提供安全可靠的保障。结合淮北矿业集团有限公司祁南煤矿714综采工作面实际,对3 300 V供电设计作了简要介绍。实践证明,综机设备电压等级从原来的1 140 V提高到3 300 V,可有效地解决大功率设备启动困难、电压损失大等问题。
With the huge power,large height fully-mechanized mining equipment puttting into use,the traditional 1140 V power supply, which prevails in most of China's coal mining equipment, are increasingly unsuited to the production requirements. Fully-mechanized mining equipment with voltage level pushed up to 3 300 V can not only improve the quality of power supply,but also provide a secure guarantee for the high yield and high efficiency of the mining face. The author made a brief introduction of this technology according to the 3 300 V power supply system of 714 fully-mechanized mining face in Qi'nan Coal Mine of Huaibei Coal Mining Group Co. ,Ltd. Practice showed that, fully-mechanized mining equipment with voltage level pushed up to 3 300 V from 1 140 V,can solve the problems of starting difficulty,large voltage loss on equipment with large power.
Zhongzhou Coal
fully-mechanized mining equipment
3 300 V power supply
voltage loss of coal winning machine