

On the education of hepatitis B knowledge gap phenomenon
摘要 乙肝歧视是一个很严重的社会现象.造成这种歧视的原因很多。但是面对乙肝歧视现象。我们的教育应该反思什么?因为我们的教育体系中关于乙肝的知识少之又少甚至没有,所以在校学生的乙肝意识不强.这是造成乙肝歧视现象如此猖獗的原因之一。针对如何在学校教育中对学生以及老师进行乙肝科普,本文从四个方面展开了讨论。通过四个方面的论证,提出了一系列开展乙肝科普的措施。只有改变人们对于乙肝的态度.才能从根本上消除乙肝歧视。 Hepatitis B discrimination is a very serious social phenomenon, which is caused by many reasons. But when we meet hepatitis B discrimination, what should be reflected by our education? Because the knowledge of hepatitis B is very poor in our education, so the awareness of hepatitis B is not strong, which is one of reasons that cause Hepatitis B discrimination.On how to do hepatitis B education in school ,four aspects were discussed in this paper. Through four aspects of the argument, there are a series of measures to carry out hepatitis B science. Only change poople's attitudes about hepatitis B, we can fundamentally eliminate the discrimination.
作者 彭燕萍
出处 《当代文化与教育研究》 2010年第1期74-77,共4页 Contemporary Culture and Education Research
关键词 乙肝 乙肝歧视 教育空白 教育措施 Hepatitis B, Hepatitis B discrimination, the absence of education, education measures.
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