
跨期选择中的反常现象及其心理机制 被引量:7

Psychological Mechanisms for Anomalies in Intertemporal Choice
摘要 时间折现是跨期选择研究的核心问题。指数折现效用模型(DU模型)是描述时间折现现象的基本模型。跨期选择的实验研究中发现的大量违背DU模型的反常现象表明,DU模型并不能很好地解释人们在跨期选择中的真实行为。文章从时间知觉、建构水平、参照点和价值函数、情绪激活、情绪麻木、期待效用等角度探讨了造成各种反常现象的心理机制,并提出了值得进一步研究的方向和问题。 The Discounted Utility Model (DU model)has been considered fundamental to account for time discounting which is the focus of intertemporal choice research. However, anomalies found in previous studies indicate that the DU model is not adequate enough to explain the real decision behavior in intertemporal situations. The possible psychological mechanisms underlying these anomalies are discussed respectivelyfrom the perspective of time perception, construal level, reference point and value function, emotion activation, emotion anaesthesia and utility of expectation. Based on the review and discussion of current research findings, some new directions and issues are proposed for future research.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2009年第4期298-305,共8页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 浙江省自然科学基金(Y206488) 国家基础科学人才培养基金(J0630760)
关键词 跨期选择 反常现象 时间折现 intertemporal choice, anomalies, time discounting
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