
注意和工作记忆提取对变化盲视的影响 被引量:5

Effect of Attention and Working Memory Extract on Change Blindness
摘要 变化盲视是指观察者不能探测到视觉情境中明显的变化。本研究采用线索提示范式考察了注意和工作记忆提取对变化盲视的影响。结果发现,前置有效线索虽然不能缩短变化探测的时间,但可以降低变化盲视发生的概率,而后置有效线索既不能缩短变化探测的时间,也不能降低变化盲视的发生概率。结论表明,注意对变化盲视有显著影响,但工作记忆提取对变化盲视的影响不显著。 Change blindness refers to the phenomenon that people cannot detect the obvious change in the visual context. Here,pre-cue and retro-cue were used to explore the effects of attention and working memory extract on change blindness. It was found that valid precues could reduce the incidence rate of change blindness remarkably, but could not shorten the responsetime, whereas valid retro-cues didn' t have any significant impact on both. It was concluded that attention plays an important role in reducing change blindness, but working memory extract does not.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2009年第4期312-316,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 前置线索 后置线索 注意 工作记忆提取 变化盲视 pre-cue, retro-cue, attention, working memory extract, change blindness
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