
决策中的建议接受和判断 被引量:2

Advice Taking and Judgment in Decision Making
摘要 通过对近十余年建议接受(advice taking)文献的回顾,阐述了建议接受的典型实验范式——判断—建议人系统(judge-advisor system)及其通常采用的决策任务类型。其中,重点讨论了建议接受中常出现的现象以及影响建议接受的因素,如自信、建议人数、情绪和决策精确度等。最后,探讨了建议接受未来的研究方向。 This paper reviews the advice-taking literature within decades. The Judge-Advisor systems and the general types of decision-task are introduced as typical experimental paradigm for advice taking. It also highlights influencing factors in advice-taking( e. g. confience, the number of advisors, emotions, etc. ) and decision accuracy. Finally, the future research orientations of advice-taking are addressed.
作者 钟建安 张洁
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2009年第4期329-333,346,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(09CGGL007YB)
关键词 建议接受 判断-建议人系统 决策 advice taking, judge-advisor system, decision-making
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