
面试考官的权重策略对评分和录用的影响 被引量:5

Effect of Interviewer's Weighting Strategies on Rating and Hiring
摘要 从个体水平研究面试考官的有效性是面试研究的一个热点问题,本研究对面试考官权重策略的类型及类型的比较进行了实证研究。研究运用线性规划策略捕捉方法,分析了公务员考试中28名考官在结构化面试和无领导小组讨论中的权重策略,研究了权重策略对评分和录用的影响,结果发现:(1)在结构化面试中存在三种策略,在无领导小组讨论中存在两种策略,这些策略大部分是规范的(符合评分规则的要求),它们会随面试情景发生变化;(2)权重策略影响了考官的评分区分度和最终考生的录用结果,规范性策略具有较高的区分度和录用预测效度。研究最后对结果的理论和实践意义进行了讨论。 The present study empirically analyzed the types of interviewer' s weighting strategies across different interviewers and interview situations, and compared their validities on rating discrimination and hiring prediction. With linear program to capture strategies, the study analyzed 28 interviewers' strategies in civil servant examinations ( structure interview- SI and leaderless group discussion-LGD ) , and analyzed their effects on rating and hiring. It showed: ( 1 ) there are three types of strategies in SI and twotypes in LGD, the majority of them are regular ( complying with rating requirements) , and change with interview situations, (2) the weighting strategies affect interviewers' rating and thus interviewee' s hiring outcome, in particular, the regular strategies have better validities on rating discrimination and hiring prediction. The implications were also discussed.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2009年第4期356-360,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 线性规划 策略捕捉 面试 权重 linear program, policy capture, interviewer, weight
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