以德国功能翻译理论家卡塔琳娜.莱思(Katharina Reiss)的文本类型学(text typology)为理论框架,尝试性的提出了公示语汉英翻译的新原则。公示语按其不同的文本功能可分为信息型、表情型、祈使型和复合功能型,翻译时应先分析其文本类型和功能,根据不同类型选择对应的翻译原则为指导,力图得出最佳翻译效果。
The paper is a tentative study to analyze C-E public sign translation principles within the framework of German functionalist Katharina Reiss’s text typology theory.According to this theory,public signs could be categorized into four different text types,namely,informative;expressive;operative;as well as multi-functional public signs.Any specific text type of public signs should be translated with its corresponding translation principle as its effective theoretical guidance.
Journal of Baoshan Teachers' College