
S-L问卷短期复测的稳定性研究 被引量:4

On reliability of S L questionnaire in short term test retest
摘要 为了解SL问卷所得数据的重复稳定性及问卷结构对稳定性的影响,对74名男子用SL问卷作初测,一周后复测。分析前后二次问卷配对数据的相关性和差异显著性。所有项目的复测分值均值都高于初测均值。年龄和文化程度对IPSS总分和生活质量分在二次调查间的差异无影响。问卷自身不稳定引起前后调查数据不尽一致。SL问卷未给连续渐变型症状及部分突变型症状以明确的参照点。 To evaluate in depth the reliability of data obtained from the S L questionnaire in clinical investigation and to evaluate the effects of the structure of I PSS questionnaire on its reliability,S L questionnaire was administered to 74 men in a retrospective investigation and the same men in a sub prospective investigation in one week. The correlation and differences between the paired data were analyzed for their statistical significance.The results of the study showed that the mean scores of all items increased from Time 1 to Time 2. Differences in age and educational level had no effects on the differences in total score (I PSS) and life quality score between the two investigations.The instability of the questionnaire itself yields differences between two sets of data obtained from the same subject at two times with a short period apart. As the questionnaire did not specify a reference point for the symptom, the coincidence of scores between the first test and re test was greatly reduced.
出处 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第12期728-732,共5页 Chinese Journal of Urology
关键词 前列腺增生 症状 前列腺症状评分 稳定性 Prostatic hypertrophy Symptom I PSS
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