
农村老年人硒暴露水平与认知能力关系及其影响因素的研究 被引量:2

Study on relationship between cognitive function and selenium levels as well as other associated factors in senile rural residents
摘要 目的了解不同硒(Se)暴露水平与老年人认知功能的关系以及影响老年认知的其他影响因素。方法采集当地环境样品、食物样品、研究对象指甲和血样,采用2,3-二氨基萘荧光法测定硒含量;对长年生活于当地的1000名农村老年人进行膳食问卷调查和6项认知能力调查,分析不同环境Se暴露组人群认知能力的差异;综合考虑可能影响老年认知能力的影响因素,进行影响综合认知功能评分的多元逐步回归分析。结果不同Se暴露指标间均有很好的相关性,在控制了年龄、性别等协变量的影响后,正常Se暴露人群认知能力显著高于低Se暴露组人群,影响老年认知能力的多元逐步回归结果显示,性别、年龄、受教育情况、是否看电视或听收音机、体质指数(BMI)和Se暴露水平对老年认知能力有显著影响。结论Se暴露水平的降低可能与老年认知能力的降低有关,此外,年龄、性别、受教育情况等也可显著影响老年认知能力。 Objective To study the relationship between cognitive function and different exposure levels of selenium(Se) as well as other associated factors in senile rural residents. Methods The collected specimens were blood and nails of the participants as well as their food and environmental samples.The trace amount of selenium was detected with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene fluorometric determination.A cross-sectional survey of 1 000 senile rural residents was conducted with dietary and six cognitive questionnaires.The cognitive scores of the two study groups were compared with different Se exposure levels.A multiple stepwise regression analysis was used to evaluate all the factors that might affect the composite Z scores.Results There was a significant association between cognitive function and different levels of Se exposure(P0.05).Z scores of the participants with normal Se exposure level were higher than those with low Se exposure group adjusting for age,sex,and other related variables.Results of the multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the Z scores of cognitive function were significantly affected by sex,age,education,TV watching,radio listening and Se exposure levels. Conclusion The low level of Se exposure might have decreased cognitive function in senile rural residents of Sichuan.The Z scores of cognitive function could also be affected by age,sex and education.
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2010年第1期35-39,共5页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
基金 美国NIH项目(R01 AG19181-01A2)
关键词 微量元素 认知能力 农村老年人 Selenium Trace element Cognitive function Rural elderly
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