目的探讨多层螺旋CT、MRI以及经阴道彩色多普勒超声对多囊卵巢综合征(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,PCOS)的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析我院4年来56例PCOS患者卵巢的各种影像学表现。结果PCOS患者的CT表现为:盆腔内充满多个囊性病灶,大小不一,绝大多数呈单房或多房,水样密度,囊壁菲薄、光滑而无分隔;MRI表现为:卵巢体积增大,卵巢区显示包含很多大小相似、外形光滑的囊性肿物,呈长T1长T2信号,均匀一致,在T1加权像上呈低信号,在T2加权像上呈高信号;彩色多普勒超声表现为:卵巢体积增大,呈多囊样改变,卵巢间质回声增强,血流较丰富,卵巢间质动脉血流阻力指数降低,血管分布面积(CDE信号面积)增加。结论各种影像学检查对PCOS的诊断各有各的临床应用价值。
Objective To investigate the valuation of MS-CT,MRI and transvaginal color doppler (TVCD) in diagnosing polyeystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Methods Retrospectively analyzing the medical imaging manifestation of 56 cases of PCOS in near 4 years. Results The medical imaging manifestation in these PCOS cases: on MS-CT scan,there were several cystic lesions in pelvis. These cystic lesions,most of which was single cavity or multitude cavity, varied in size. The density of the cyst was like water. And the wall of the cyst was thin, smooth and no septation. On MRI scan, several cystic lesions with similar size and smooth wall were found in the area of cavity. The MRI imaging showed uniformity signal with low signal inT1WI and high signal in T2WI. In the TVCD examination,cavity was large and look like multitude cyst. Ultrasonic image found echo enhancement and affluence of blood stream in cavity stroma,in which artery resistance index (RI) reduced and blood vessel distribution area (CDE signal area) increased. Conclusion The three imaging examination have different value in clinical application in PCOS diagnosis.
China Modern Doctor