目的评价上颌快速扩弓(rapid maxillary expansion,RME)联合多曲方丝技术(multi—loop edgewise arch wire。MEAW)矫治年轻成人骨性反[牙合]伴下颌偏斜畸形的临床疗效。方法选择成年安氏Ⅲ类骨性错[牙合]伴下颌偏斜患者9例,年龄16.2~18.8岁,采用上颌快速扩弓纠正单侧后牙反[牙合],多曲方丝技术配合颌间牵引调整咬合关系,纠正下颌及中线偏斜。矫治前后拍摄头颅侧位片和正位片,并进行X线头影测量分析。结果(1)矢状方向上,SNA增大(1.4±1.7)°,SNB减少(0.7±0.9)°,ANB增加(2.1±0.9)°,颌骨前后向不协调减轻;U1-SN,L1-MP矫治前后分别增加(2.7±3.7)°和减少(5.4±2.9)°,前牙覆盖减少(3.8±1.0)mm。(2)垂直方向上,MP-SN和MP-FH分别增加(1.9±2.0)°和(1.1±2.6)°,矫治前后差异均无统计学意义。(3)矫治前后Maz—Maz’增加(2.6±2.8)mm,Um-Um’增加(6.2±5.9)mm,后者矫治前后差异具有统计学意义。(4)矫治前后,ACd-Me和ACd-Go分别减少(3.7±2.1)mm和(2.8±1.6)mm;ManDP-MSL和Me-MSL分别减少(3.8±2.3)mm和(3.6±2.5)mm,矫治前后差异均具有统计学意义。结论上颌快速扩弓联合多曲方丝技术可以有效地矫治年轻成人轻、中度骨性反[牙合]伴下颌偏斜畸形,纠正异常咬合关系,改善颜面部不对称畸形。
Objective To evaluate the effects of multiloop edgewise arch wire (MEAW) tech nique combined with rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in correcting skeletal erossbite young adults with mandibular deviation. Methods 9 young adults with skeletal class III malocclusion and mandibular deviation were selected (4 males, 5 females, aged from 16.2-18.8 years). They were all corrected with RME and MEAW techniques. Cephalometric radiographs were taken and analyzed at the pretreatment (T1) and post-treatment (T2). Students' t-test was used to determine if there were signifi cant differences between the 2 time periods. Results SNA increased by (1.4±1.7)°, SNB decreased by (0.7±0.9)°, and ANB increased by(2.1±0.9)°; U1-SN increased by (2.7±3.7)°and L1-MP decreased by (5.4±2.9)°. MP-SNand MP-FH increased by (1.9±2.0)° and (1.1±2.6)° respectively, neither of which had significant difference. Maz-Maz' increased by (2.6±2.8)mm, while Urn-Urn' increased by (6.2±5.9)mm. The latter had significant difference. ACd-Me and ACd-Go decreased by (3. 7 ± 2.1)mm and ( 2. 8 ± 1. 6 ) mm respectively; while ManDP-MSL and Me-MSL decreased by (3.8±2.3)mmand (3.6±2.5)mm, respectively. All of them had significant differences. Conclusion MEAW technique combined with RME is a clinically effective method for correcting adults with mild and moderate skeletal erossbite and mandibular deviation.
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
Class III malocclusion
Madibular deviation
Rapid maxillary expansion
Multiloop edgewise arch wire
Young adult