Physics Bulletin
2Hannah Fisher - Hoch, Sarah Hughes(1997). What makes GCSE examination questions difficult? Outcomes of manipulating difficulty of GCSE questions [C/OL]. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, September 11 - 14 1997: University of York[2007 - 05 - 16]. http://www, cambridgeassessment. org. uk/ca/digitalAssets/.
3Larkin,J.H.and Simon, H.A. (1987).Why a Diagram Is (Sometimes) Worth Ten Thousand Words. Cognitive Science, 11(1) :65 - 100.
4Victoria Crisp ,Ezekiel Sweiry(2003). Can a picture rain a thousand words? Physical aspects of the way exam questions are laid out and the impact of changing them. [ C/OL]. A paper to be presented at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, September 2003 [ 2007 - 05 - 16 ]. http://www. ueles - red. cam. ac. uk.
5Ayesha Ahmed, Alastair Pollitt(2001 ). Improving the Validity of Contextualised Questions[C/OL].Paper to be presented at the BERA Conference, Leeds, September 2001[2007- 06- 16]. http://www. cambridgeassessment. org. uk/ca/researcher.