
输入强化对中国学习者学习英语关系从句的影响 被引量:17

The Effect of Input Enhancement on Chinese Learners’ Acquisition of English Relative Clause
摘要 本研究通过准实验设计调查了输入强化对中国学习者学习英语关系从句的影响。研究结果表明,输入强化有效地吸引了学习者的注意力,让他们在有意义的语境中注意到目标结构;而且接触到强化的语言输入的实验组学生对关系从句的掌握程度明显高于控制组的学生。这进一步证明意义的理解并不能导致语言的习得;输入强化能够帮助学习者建立清楚的形义关系,促进中介语的重构。 With a quasi-experimental design, this study investigated the effect of input enhancement on Chinese learners' acquisition of English relative clause. The results indicated that input enhancement successfully attracted learn- ers' attention to the typographically enhanced target structure in the context of meaningful comprehension. Students who received enhanced input significantly performed better in the post test compared with those who were not exposed to the enhanced input. This further proves that comprehension does not lead to acquisition. Input enhancement is conducive to the restructuring of the learner' s interlanguage system by making the form-meaning relation clear to the learner.
作者 葛现茹
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 2010年第2期26-30,共5页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
基金 “2007年上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金项目”(YQ052025)资助
关键词 输入强化 关系从句 注意 形式焦点式教学 Input Enhancement Relative Clause Noticing Focus-on-Form Instruction
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