

A Self-adaptive Multi-party Non-repudiation Protocol
摘要 多方非否认协议可分为两类:发送相同消息给多个接收者的协议和发送不同消息给多个接收者的协议。本文针对两类多方非否认协议在发送不完全相同消息时效率不高的问题,提出了自适应多方非否认协议。协议首先按照接收消息是否相同,将接收者分别划入不同的集合,然后用相同的密钥与一个随机数的异或作为加密密钥加密消息,最后依次向接收者集合广播消息。分析表明,协议满足公平性,与以往的两类多方非否认协议相比,具有更好的效率。 Multi-party non-repudiation protocols can be divided into two categories.protocols delivering same message and protocols delivering different messages.Aimed at the problems that the two kinds of protocols are inefficient when delivering messages that some are same and others are different,a self-adaptive multi-party non-repudiation protocol is presented.Firstly recipients are divided into several sets according to whether the messages to be received are same.Then messages are encrypted with keys which are exclusive OR of one key and random value.Finally,the encrypted messages are sent to the receiver sets in turn.Analysis results show that the new protocol satisfies fairness and is more efficient than the two kinds of protocols.
作者 李磊 王育民
出处 《网络安全技术与应用》 2010年第3期78-80,共3页 Network Security Technology & Application
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60473027) 国家自然科学基金委员会-广东联合基金重点项目(U0835004)资助
关键词 非否认 公平交换 自适应 安全协议 non-repudiation fair exchange self-adaptive security protocol
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