Abstract The hydrological condition in Fangezhuang Mine of Kailun is most complicated In June 1984, there was a special large inrush water accident occurred During the passed decade after the inrush water accident, an equivalent coil of a water temperature and electric resistance rate, a polonium-210 exploration and measurement, rock exploration meter, water drainage test, surface and underground bore hole exploration and measurement, radio wave mine roadway penetration meter, underground slot wave seismic method, elastic wave CT exploration and measurement, transient electric magnetic and special gravity Bouguer anomaly method and others have been applied for the prevention and control of mine underground water With physical exploration, chemical exploration, drilling exploration and comprehensive three dimension exploration technologies successfully applied, the plane configuration and space location of the sink hole were cleared and would provide full basic information for the prevention and control the mine water With the prevention and control of the mine water, the mine has reached the requirements of mine safety and production
Coal Science and Technology