
基于细胞自身特征的铜绿微囊藻比生长速率预测 被引量:3

Prediction of the Specific Growth Rate Based on the Cell Characteristics of Microcystis Aeruginosa
摘要 生物量累积是水华形成前的一个重要过程,因此研究藻类生长速率的变化对于水华早期预警具有重要意义。通过控制P浓度和光照条件获得了不同的铜绿微囊藻生长性质,研究了细胞自身特征与比生长速率的变化关系。初步建立了基于细胞P含量、细胞碳水化合物含量和细胞体积的比生长速率预测耦合模型。 Biomass accumulation is an important process before the appearance of algal blooms, so the change of algal growth rate is of great significance for the early warning of algal blooms. This study was conducted by controlling the P concentrations and light conditions in culture in order to obtain different growth characteristics of Microcystis aeruginosa, and the relationships between the variations of the cell characteristics and specific growth rate were studied. A coupled model for the prediction of specific growth rate was carried out based on the cell characteristics included cell P content, cell carbohydrate content and cell volume.
出处 《环境监控与预警》 2010年第2期1-6,共6页 Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning
基金 国家水体污染治理与控制重大科技专项项目(2009ZX07105-003)
关键词 比生长速率 预测 细胞自身特征 铜绿微囊藻 specific growth rate prediction cell characteristics Microcystis aeruginosa
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