
7岁以下儿童中国生长标准与世界卫生组织新标准比较 被引量:25

Comparison of the China child growth standards and the WHO child growth standards from 0 to 7 years old
摘要 【目的】比较中国儿童生长标准与WHO新标准之间的差异,为正确选择和合理使用生长标准提供科学依据。【方法】中国标准、WHO新标准来源于公开发表的数据。比较两种标准各指标在一2倍标准差(-2s)、中位数(Os)、+2s上的差值。以“1995年九市7岁以下儿童体格发育调查”为验证人群,比较两种标准在“生长迟缓”、“低体重”、“消瘦”和“肥胖”评估中的差异。【结果】1)两种标准在-2s、Os、+2s上的差值:身长/身高均略高于WHO新标准;男、女童体重在-2s和Os上均略高于WHO新标准,但在+2s上男、女童表现不一致,女童2岁后略低,男童5岁后略高。头围与WHO新标准差异不大,在-2s上轻微偏高;男童身长/身高别体重(wFL/H)在60em以后较WHO新标准略高,在-2s上较为明显,女童80cm以后在0s、+2s上较WHO新标准低,100em以后更明显。2岁前体质指数(bodymassindex,BMI)略高于WHO新标准,2岁后男、女童趋势不同,女童在+2s上低于、在-2s上却略高于WHO新标准,男童与WHO新标准差异不大。2)两种标准在营养评估中的差异:以中国标准计算的“生长迟缓率”、“低体重率”、“消瘦率”均略高于WHO新标准,男童“肥胖率”低于WHO新标准,2岁以下较为明显,但2~5岁差异不大,女童“肥胖率”在2岁以下略低于、2~5岁高于WHO新标准。从WFL/H、BMI两种指标看,无论采取哪种标准,计算的“消瘦率”或“肥胖率”差异并不明显,2~5岁更小。【结论】中国标准总体上略高于WHO新标准。WFL/H和BMI两指标在“消瘦”、“肥胖”筛查效率上差异不大。 [Objective] To compare the difference on growth curves and estimates of malnutrition and obesity be- tween the China Child Growth Standards and WHO Child Growth Standards. [Methods] Reference data published for the two standards was used to calculate the difference values of each index on - 2 standard deviations (s) from the median, median (0s) and -1-2s from the median. Estimates of stunting, underweight, wasting and obesity were compared based on "the National Study on Physical Growth and Development of Children under 7 years old in 1995 (NSPGDC)" between the China and WHO standards. [Results] 1) Difference values in growth curves: length/height for age was slightly higher than the WHO standards. Weight for age was also higher than the WHO's on - 2s and 0s from the median, but lower for girls after 2 years old and higher for boys after 5 years old on +2s. No obvious difference was found for head circumference for age. Weight for length/height (WFL/H) for boys after 60 cm was a little bit higher than the WHO's (obvious on -2s), but slightly lower on 0s and +2s for girls after 80 cm (obvious after 100 cm). Body mass index (BMI) was higher ihan the WHO's before 2 years old, and no obvious difference for boys after 2 years old, but lower on q-2s and higher on -2s for girls at this age stage. 2) Population estimates of nutritional status: the prevalence of stunting, underweight, and wasting based on the China standards were higher than the WHO's. Obesity rates was lower than based On the WHO's before 2 years old, but no obvious difference for boys and higher for girls during 2 to 5 years old. The difference of estimates of wasting or obesity rates was less evident between WFL/H and BMI according to the China or WHO standards, even smaller for 2 to 5 years old. [Conclusions] The China standards is slightly higher than the WHO standards, and presented sig- nificant ethnic characteristics. The difference of prevalence of wasting or obesity is less evident between WFL/H and BMI.
作者 宗心南 李辉
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 2010年第3期195-198,201,共5页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 卫生部妇幼保健与社区卫生司项目(2008-1)
关键词 生长标准 比较 营养不良 肥胖 儿童 growth standards comparison malnutrition obesity child
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