
MtDNA突变诱导的细胞凋亡通路对Sarcopenia的作用运动对其影响的分子机制 被引量:1

The Role of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Induced Apoptosis Signaling Pathway in Sarcopenia and Exercise-Related Molecular Signaling Mechanisms
摘要 Sarcopenia是一种随年龄的增加,骨骼肌力量和质量降低损失的老年人多发病症。Sarcopenia发生的具体机制尚未完全明晰,目前一些证据证明线粒体机能障碍和失调的细胞凋亡信号通路在其发病和进展的过程中起到关键作用。此外有研究发现运动训练可以通过改善线粒体机能及影响细胞凋亡信号传导,对衰老骨骼肌产生积极影响。 Sarcopenia is a term that encompasses the loss of muscle strength,muscle mass,and muscle quality with advancing age. Although the precise mechanisms underlying this syndrome have not been completely elucidated, some evidence supports that Mitochondrial dysfunction and deregulation of apoptotic signaling have emerged as critical players in the onset and progression of sarcopenia. Interestingly, exercise training has been shown to beneficially affect both mitochondrial function and apoptotic signaling in skeletal muscle from old animals.
出处 《浙江体育科学》 2010年第2期117-121,127,共6页 Zhejiang Sport Science
关键词 SARCOPENIA 细胞凋亡 线粒体DNA突变 AMPK MAPKS 有氧运动 抗阻训练 Sarcopenia apoptosis MtDNA mutations AMPK MAPKs aerobic exercise resistance training
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