基于总结多台600 MW1、000 MW火电机组现场总线控制系统(FCS)应用经验,给出了将现场总线技术用于大型火电机组主、辅机控制系统的设计要点。火电机组控制采用现场总线技术可节省电缆,并且避免了智能现场仪表与智能控制室装置之间的非智能连接,可从现场设备获得丰富的设备运行信息。应用FCS,不可盲目地追求控制范围和功能,而应将设备状态信息、软件二次开发作为设计应用重点。
Based on summarization of experiences in application of Field - bus control system (FCS) for 600 MW and 1 000 MW thermal power units, some key design points for the central and peripheral control systems of large - capacity units have been given. Besides the reduction of signal cables, the FCS can avoid unintelligent connection between intelligent meters in the field and intelligent devices in the cabinet, obtaining plenty of information in operation of equipments in the field. Application of FCS can't blindly chase the control range and functions,the main points of FCS deisgn and application should focus on obtaining equipments' state and on developing software of new generation.
Thermal Power Generation