
设施番茄无土栽培矿质元素养分变化动态 被引量:9

The Trend of Inorganic Nourishment of Tomato in Soilless Culture
摘要 通过无土栽培试验,测定番茄各个时期叶片中Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn的含量,旨在发现番茄各时期矿质元素的吸收规律。结果表明:用不同基质配方栽培,除Mg以外,番茄叶片中其他元素的含量没有极显著性差异。番茄叶片中的Ca元素在整个生长期内呈先下降后迅速升高的趋势,最高出现在移栽后180 d,为18.410 1 mg.g-1,最低出现在移栽后60 d,为4.789 8 mg.g-1;Mg元素含量在波动中上升,最高出现在移栽后180 d,为30.515 1 mg.g-1,最低出现在移栽后60 d,为12.637 8 mg.g-1;Fe呈上升趋势,最高出现在移栽后240 d,为0.478 7 mg.g-1,最低出现在移栽后60 d,为0.193 8 mg.g-1;Mn元素含量在波动中上升,最高出现在移栽后240 d,为65.942 9μg.g-1,最低出现在移栽后,为40.928 6μg.g-1;Cu元素含量先迅速下降,后迅速上升,最高出现在移栽后300 d,为13.785 7μg.g-1,最低出现在移栽后240 d,为5.3143μg.g-1;Zn元素含量呈先升高、后降低、后期又升高的趋势,最高出现在移栽后120 d,为116.8μg.g-1,最低出现在移栽后240 d,为26.357μg.g-1。 In order to discover the law of absorbing of inorganic nourishment of tomato growth in soilless culture, the Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn concentration on tomato leaf were measured in different stages. The consequence was that there was no obvious variation of these elements in different stage, except Mg. The result was that the accumulative trend of Ca was decreased, then increasing quickly. The highest content of Ca was 18. 410 1 mg·g^-1 after plant out 180 days; the lowest was 4. 789 8 mg·g^-1 after plant out 60 days. The accumulative trend of Mg was increased fluctuant. The highest content of Mg was 30. 515 1 mg·g^-1 after plant out 180 days; the lowest was 12. 637 8 mg·g^-1 after plant out 60 days. The accumulative trend of Fe was increased. The highest content of Fe was 0. 478 7 mg·g^-1 after plant out 240 days; the lowest was 0. 193 8 mg·g^-1 after plant out 60 days. The accumulative trend of Mn was increased fluctuantly. The highest content of Mn was 65. 942 9 mg·g^-1 after plant out 240 days; the lowest was 40. 928 6 mg·g^-1 after plant out. The accumulative trend of Cu was decreased quickly, and then increasing quickly. The highest content of Cu was 13. 785 7 mg·g^-1 after plant out 300 days; the lowest was 5. 314 3 mg·g^-1 after plant out 240 days. The accumulative trend of Zn was increased, then decreasing, and finally raised. The highest content of Zn was 116.8 mg·g^-1 after plant out 120 days; the lowest was 26. 357 mg·g^-1 after plant out 240 days.
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第B03期36-42,共7页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 北京市教委彩虹工程项目资助"岩棉替代基质在无土栽培上的应用"(KM200410020087) 北京市教委项目"番茄抗晚疫病优良品种选育及试验示范" 北京市农委项目"名特优蔬菜新品种示范与推广" 北京市绿色食品协会项目"都市绿色农业蔬菜新品种选育" 北京市属高等学校人才强校计划资助项目
关键词 番茄 矿质元素 吸收 基质 tomato inorganic nonrisbment absorb substrate
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