
福建主要港湾悬浮有机碳和悬浮有机氮的动态变化 被引量:3

The Dynamical Variation of Suspended Organic Carbon and Suspended Organic Nitrogen in the Main Bays in Fujian
摘要 依据2001年福建主要港湾水体中悬浮物质的调查资料,讨论了悬浮有机碳(POC)、悬浮有机氮(PON)的含量和动态变化特征。结果表明,POC的季度平均含量为0.43—0.54mg·dm^-3,PON的季度平均值在0.22~0.26mg·dm^-3,属中等水平。潮流和底质对悬浮物质含量的分布起决定性的作用,沉积物再悬浮对悬浮物分布影响很大,冬季尤为显著。现场调查的结果表明POC与PON存在显著相关,反映出受人类活动影响较大的海洋生态系统区水体中POC与PON之间的自然本底关系。各调查海区C/N比值平均为1.65—2.32,根据判断悬浮有机物(POM)来源的标准,小于8为海源有机物,并且POM中主要是浮游植物的碎屑。 The contents and variation characteristics of suspended organic carbon (POC) and suspended organic nitrogen (PON) have been discussed in this paper according to the investigation data of suspended matters in the water of main bays in Fujian in 2001. The quarter average value of POC was 0.43 - 0.54 mg ·dm^-3, The quarter average value of PON was 0.22 - 0.26 mg ·dm^-3, at a middle level. The tidal current and bottom sediment play a decisive role in distribution of suspended matter. The resuspension of sediment has great effect on distribution of suspended matter, especially significant in winter. The results of spot investigation showed that POC has significant correlation with PON, reflection the natral background between POC and PON in the water of marin ecosystem significantly effected by human activities. The CIN average ration is 1.65 2.32. According to the standard of suspended organic matter (POM) sources, the value lower than 8 is considered as marine organic matter, and in POM. There is mainly debris of phytoplankton.
作者 蔡玉婷
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第B03期167-173,共7页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 福建省海洋与渔业局重点资助项目(200003)
关键词 悬浮有机碳 悬浮有机氮 叶绿素A 初级生产力 浮游植物细胞数 福建 suspended organic carbon suspended organic nitrogen chlorophyll a primary productivity phytoplankton cell number Fujian
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