The accuracy of DEM includes two aspects, sampling data accuracy and the terrain representation accuracy. Several re searches were focused on the sampling data accuracy. On the other hand, the terrain representation accuracy is often ignored. In this paper,a method is suggested to investigate the terrain representation accuracy. Firstly, the curves of DEM are simulated by window, and then the stand deviation of coefficients between a series of simulated curves and the so called "real terrain" is calculated. This method is used to discover the rules between the terrain representation accuracy and the sampling interval of DEM. Tests proved that this new method is useful for researches on scaling and accuracy problems of DEM. And also the relationship between the slope and the DEM sampling interval is studied by slope frequency curve and cumulative slope frequency curve. It is concluded that, firstly, as the sampling interval increases, the terrain representation accuracy decreases, but the reducing speed is slowed, secondly,as the grid size increases, the DEM still retains the basic framework information of the terrain, finally, when the grid size increases, the slope attenuation speed will increase.
Geography and Geo-Information Science