
光伏组件加工工艺与质量控制 被引量:5

Processing Technology and Quality Control of PV Modules
摘要 通过详细分析当前主流的太阳光伏组件加工工艺,提出了各工艺环节具体的工艺要求和一些需要注意的细节问题,并阐述了光伏组件生产过程中存在常见问题与相应的质量控制措施。 In this paper, by analyzing the processing technology of current mainstream solar PV modules in detail, the specific process requirements and details that need to be attention were carried out. Finally, the common problems and appropriate quality control measures during PV modules production were introduced.
作者 郑军
出处 《新技术新工艺》 2010年第3期85-87,共3页 New Technology & New Process
关键词 光伏组件 加工工艺 质量控制 PV modules, Processing technology, Quality control
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