沥青混合料抗压回弹模量是路面结构设计中的重要参数。针对SAC沥青混合料,在大型精密设备——材料试验系统(MTS)上对其抗压回弹模量进行试验与分析。试验使用顶面法测试,分别采用了两种加载方式,一种为抗压强度分7级的加载方式,一种为0.7 MPa分7级的加载方式。试验结果表明,采用抗压强度分7级的加载方式所得到的抗压回弹模量远大于0.7 MPa分7级的测试结果。抗压强度分7级的加载方式与目前道路的受荷情况更为吻合,且与现行沥青路面设计规范的配套性更强。
Compressive modulus of asphalt mixture is an important parameter for pavement structure design.This paper introduces the experiment of compression modulus of asphalt mixture SAC-13.The series experiments used the advanced material test system (MTS).'Top surface measuring'method with 2 loading modes was used to measure compression modulus.Loading mode 1~# divided compressive strength into 7 stage load.Loading mode 2~# divided 0.7MPa into 7 stage.The results shown that the compression modulus measured with mode 1~# is larger than mode 2~#.Loading mode 1 is more consistent with the suffering load characteristics of pavement and more applicable to the existing asphalt pavement design specification.
Shanghai Highways