
具有差异化选择特征的复杂社会网络扩散研究 被引量:15

Diffusion with property of differential choice in complex social network
摘要 人们有时会偏好与他人保持差异,例如"搭便车"者总是选择与邻居相反的策略.利用反协调博弈刻画了个体的差异化选择特征,分析了复杂社会网络上的扩散过程及其影响因素.结论表明,这类扩散总能成功,当采用策略的风险占优程度越高时,同质性网络中的采用者数量越多,而异质性网络中的采用者数量可能减少,且存在惟一的最优风险占优度.网络结构特征变化能够显著影响采用者数量,则小世界特征的影响效果取决于策略是否风险占优,而平均度和异质性的影响效果还需要考虑策略风险占优度的大小.若个体对邻居信息出现认知偏差,会显著改变最终的采用者个数.因此,通过调整个体采用收益、认知程度和个体间相互联系,可以有效管理和控制具有差异化选择特征的扩散,如度假产品、奢侈品、"搭便车"行为、流行与时尚等. Sometimes individuals prefer to be different from others. E.g. free-riders always choose strategies opposite to that of neighbors. The paper models the characteristics of differential choice by anti-coordination game and analyses the diffusion and its influencing factors in complex social networks. The results show that this kind of diffusion could always occur. With the increase of risk dominance of adopted strategy, adopters increase in non-heterogeneous network but may decrease in heterogeneous network, in which there is only an optimal degree of risk dominance. Moreover, property of network structure could influence the number of adopters significantly. Effect of small world depends on whether a strategy is risk dominant while effect of connectivity and heterogeneity depends on the degree of risk dominance. Individuals' cognitive bias on neighbors' information will change the number of adopters significantly. Therefore, it is effective to adjust payoffs and cognition of individuals and relationships between individuals to manage the diffusion with property of differential choice such as holiday resort, luxury product, "free-riding" behavior and fashion.
出处 《管理科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期38-49,共12页 Journal of Management Sciences in China
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70671070 70703016) 上海市软科学发展基金博士生论文资助项目
关键词 扩散 复杂社会网络 差异化选择 无标度网络 小世界网络 diffusion complex social network differential choice scale free network small world network
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