

Numerical Study on the Variations of the Hydrodynamic Field Around a Seamount
摘要 采用普林斯顿海洋模式对海峡中过海山的流场变化进行模拟。通过数值分析不同条件下海山周围的流场分布变化特征,并讨论了其相应的形成机制。在无海山存在的平底海峡中,无论是否考虑科氏力,海流流向均不发生偏转,但水位分布有明显差异。海山存在的情况下,若考虑科氏力效应,则会形成环绕海山的顺时针环流,并在海山周围有泰勒柱形成。当入流速度不同时,流场特征发生明显变化,流速越小,泰勒柱越明显,在合适入流条件下,在海山后方的尾流区会有涡生成。 The variations of the hydrodynamic field around a seamount were simulated with POM. Based on the numerical experiments,the variations of velocity and water elevation in a narrow channel were discussed. If the channel is fiat,whether coriolis force is considered,the flow always flow from west to east,but the distribution of water elevation is different. If a seamount exists in the channel and coriolis force is considered, an anticyclonic eddy form around the seamount. At the same time, Taylor column can be found around the seamount. The distribution of the velocity will change with different inflow velocity. As the inflow velocity increase, Taylor column become weaken. Eddies can be found in the wake of the seamount with suitable inflow velocity.
出处 《海洋测绘》 2010年第2期46-48,54,共4页 Hydrographic Surveying and Charting
关键词 海山 水动力场 数值模拟 seamount hydrodynamic field numerical simulation
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