
李慈铭词学思想与创作平议 被引量:1

On LI Ci-ming's Ideas about Ci and His Creation
摘要 李慈铭是晚清著名学者,也是同治时期颇具风骨的词家。李慈铭的词学批评涉及到清代词学中一些核心论题:其一为清代词学的南北宋之争,他推崇唐五代北宋词,对南宋词人,尤其是姜蘷颇多批评,并直接影响到胡适《词选》的论词观念;其二是对词人性情与学养关系的讨论,在清代词学批评中,浙西词派重视格调之醇雅,常州词派强调比兴寄托、胸襟学养,但却忽视性情之抒写,纳兰性德、郭麐等虽倡导性灵,但却忽略学养,各有偏至。因此,李慈铭提出根植学养与独抒性情的结合具有重要的词学意义。他的创作实践了其论词主情、独抒性灵的思想,或写漂泊之苦,或咏家园之思,或感慨时事,均能将胸襟与识见、性情与学养完美结合,颇具风骨。因此,对李慈铭的词学思想与创作进行探讨,对学界更为细微地观察晚清词坛创作颇具意义。 Li Ci-ming is a famous scholar and a Ci master known for his vigorous style in Tong Zhi period of late Qing Dynasty. His literary criticism concerns some central topics of his time, such as firstly, the debate of the Ci theories between the Northern Song and the Southern Song. Yue Man had the esteem for the works written by people in the Tang, Wu Dai and the Northern Song Dynasties, but criticized the works of the Southern Song Dynasty, especially Jiang Kui' s works, which exerted direct influence on Hu Shi and his "The Anthology of Ci" ; secondly, the discussion about the relation between the character and cultivation of different Ci writers. In Ci criticism of Qing Dynasty, different schools had different preferences, the west Zhejiang shool paid attention to the graceful style, the Changzhou school emphasized the usage of rhetoric devices but ignored the expression of the writers' personality, but Na - Lan Xing - de and his school neglected learning and cultivation. Therefore, the combination of learning and personality advanced by Li Ci-ming is of great significance. He applied his literary ideas in his works about the suffering of wandering, the memory of hometown, and the comment of the current issues. Thus, the research on Li Ci-ming' s literary views and his works is of great importance to get a proud observation of Ci creation in late Qing Dynasty.
作者 秦敏
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2010年第2期53-57,共5页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 李慈铭 独抒性灵 根植学养 词学观念 LI Ci-ming independent expression of personality knowledge and self-cultivation the ideas of Ci
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  • 1李慈铭著,由云龙辑.《越缦堂读书记》,上海书店,2000年版,第1228,1227,1198,1230,1005,1032,1230,1124,1232,1129,1230,1232页.
  • 2胡适.《词选》,北京:中华书局,2007年.
  • 3毛先舒.《词辩坻》,见孙克强辑.《毛先舒(词辩坻)汇辑》,《词学》第十七辑,华东师范大学出版社,2006年版.
  • 4李慈铭著,刘再华校点.《越缦堂诗文集》上海古籍出版社,2007年版,第786,632-633,637,786,1398页.
  • 5杜诏.《弹指词序》.张秉戍.《弹指词笺注》附录.北京:北京出版社,2000年.第545页.
  • 6顾贞观.《通志堂词序》,见《清名家词·通志堂词》.
  • 7郭麐.《梅边笛谱序》.《灵芬馆杂著》续编卷二.,.



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  • 2李慈铭.越缦堂诗文集[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,2000.
  • 3侯忠义、刘世林.中国文言小说史稿[M].北京:人民文学出版社,1993.
  • 4李慈铭 由云龙辑.越缦堂读书记[M].上海:上海书店出版社,2000..
  • 5永瑢等.四库全书总目[M].北京:中华书局,1965.









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