

Real-time trajectory generation for yoyo motion
摘要 基于NTG(Nonlinear Trajectory Generation)软件包提出了一种机器人yoyo运动实时最优轨迹生成的通用方法,即数值解法,该方法也可以应用于其他类似周期性动态系统的轨迹规划问题。对于这类系统的实时最优控制来说,一个最为关键的问题就是如何实现快速求解最优轨迹,以满足实时性要求。而传统的数值求解方法都很费时。通过把最优问题映射一个较低维的空间进行求解,并且利用多线程编程技术,大大减少了计算所用的时间。仿真结果显示所求得的数值解与解析解完全相同,这也验证了该方法的正确性。单循环yoyo仿真的计算时间为10ms左右,这表明该方法完全可以应用于实时控制。 Based on Nonlinear Trajectory Generation(NTG) software package,a general approach (i.e.numerical solution) to realtime optimization trajectory generation for robotic yoyo motion is presented,which may also be applied to other similar periodic dynamic systems for trajectory planning.For the real-time optimization control of this class of systems,a critical problem is how to implement fast solving the optimal trajectory,so as to meet the real-time demand.However,traditional numerical solution methods are very time-consuming.In this paper,the optimization problem is solved by being mapped to a lower-dimension space,which combined with using muhithread programming technology greatly reduces the computation time.Simulation results show that the numerical solution is identical to the analytic one,which demonstrates the correctness of the proposed method.The computation time of one cycle of yoyo simulation is about 10 ms,which shows that the proposed numerical method can be applied to realtime control.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期23-27,共5页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金No.50475025 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金~~
关键词 yoyo运动 最优控制 实时轨迹生成 yoyo motion optimal control real-time trajectory generation
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