
内支撑结构MBR处理高浓度有机废水实验研究 被引量:1

High-concentration Organic Wastewater Treatment by Inner-Support Flat MBR
摘要 采用新型内支撑结构板式MBR对高浓度有机废水进行处理,并分别对CODCr,氨氮以及出水色度等处理效果进行了评价.为保证MBR正常运行,系统采用UASB作为预处理手段.当UASB出水CODCr和NH4+-N分别为1000~2000mg/L和50~300mg/L时,MBR最终出水CODCr和NH4+-N分别为87.8~309.6mg/L和8~38.4mg/L,平均去除率分别达到86.41%和90.11%,处理效果良好.同时针对MBR出水色度的去除,试验采用活性炭吸附处理,可以有效地去除出水的色度. The high-concentration organic wastewater was treated by a new type flat MBR of inner-support structure sheet. In order to stabilize the operation of MBR, an UASB was suited as pre-processing equipment. The removal rates of main pollutants of wastewater such as CODcr NH4^+ -N and color contamination were analyzed. The results showed that the CODcr and NH4^+ -N of the MBR effluent were 87. 8 - 309. 6 mg/L and 8 -38.4 mg/L, which they were 1 000 - 2 000 mg/L and 50 - 300 mg/L in the UASB effluent. The removal efficiencies were the above 86. 41% and 90.11% respectively. In addition, how to remove the color contamination of effluent was studied experimentally. It was found that the active carbon can remove the contaminated color effectively.
出处 《厦门理工学院学报》 2010年第1期68-70,共3页 Journal of Xiamen University of Technology
基金 福建省科技计划项目(2008F5061) 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20083029)
关键词 内支撑结构 板式膜生物反应器 有机废水处理 inner-support structure flat MBR organic wastewatcr treatment
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