
外商直接投资促进中国纺织业出口了吗 被引量:1

Does FDI Promote the Export of China Textile Industry
摘要 对1999~2005年中国31个省市纺织业面板数据的经验分析结果表明,外商直接投资促进了中国纺织业的出口,这种促进作用的大小与企业的平均规模有关,企业平均规模越小,促进作用就越大;台港澳外资和其他来源地外资对纺织业出口的影响与整体外资的影响类似,但台港澳外资对出口的影响略大于其他来源地的外资。进一步的经验分析证明,外商直接投资的影响主要是直接影响,其对内资企业出口的间接影响不显著,其他来源地外资的影响甚至是负的。 The empirical analysis based on panel data of China's 31 provinces 1999 to 2005 shows that FDI promotes China's textile industry export.The promotion is related to average size of textile firms.The smaller is the average firm size,the larger the promotion.FDI from Tai Wan,Hong Kong and Macao together with FDI from other sources has the same effect with FDI as a whole.However,the effect of FDI from Tai Wan,Hong Kong and Macao is a little bigger than that of FDI from other sources.Further empirical analysis shows that the effect from FDI is mainly direct,its' indirect effect on domestic firms' export is insignificant and the indirect effect from FDI from other sources is even negative.
出处 《山西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期53-61,共9页 Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"跨国公司与中国国际竞争力研究" 南开大学"985"工程跨国公司研究课题(项目号:03JZD0019 项目负责人:冼国明)
关键词 外商直接投资 纺织业 出口 FDI textile industry export
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