

Game Theory Analysis of Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products:Research on the Actualities of Tragedies of the Commons and the Anti-Commons
摘要 加强药品专利保护才能避免"公地悲剧",促进医药产业的发展,但目前医药产业"专利丛林"现象,极易造成专利成果利用不足和上游基础研究被闲置的"反公地悲剧",为此学界在理论研究和实证分析中形成了"药品专利消极主义"和"药品专利积极主义"两种不同观点,论文指出"药品专利消极主义"更具有可信度。 If patent protection of pharmaceutical products is strengthened, the tragedy of the commons can be avoided and the development of pharmaceutical industry can be promoted. However, the current phenomenon of "patent thicket" in the pharmaceutical industry tends to bring about the insufficient use of patent achievements and the tragedy of the anti-commons, as nobody is likely to do relevant basic research. In this respect, the academic circles stand in two different groups, one holding a negative attitude toward pharmaceutical patent and the other a positive one in doing theoretical research and empirical analysis. The article points out that the negative attitude is more reliable.
作者 姚颉靖 彭辉
出处 《北京政法职业学院学报》 2010年第1期72-77,共6页 Journal of Beijing College of Politics and Law
基金 上海市社科规划青年课题项目<人权视野下的公共健康危机与WTO知识产权保护的协调--以后多哈时代的TRIPS协议为中心>的部分成果
关键词 药品专利保护 公地悲剧 反公地悲剧 patent protection for pharmaceutical products tragedy of the commons tragedy of the anti- commons
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