Two patients developed osmotic demyelination syndrome after receiving an IV infusion of pituitrin for hemoptysis secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis.Patient 1,a 45-year-old man,received an IV infusion of pituitrin 10U on day 1,followed by 24~36U/d on days 2,3,and 4.On day 5,pituitrin was discontinued.Pituitrin 24U/d was readministered for 2 days due to recurrence of hemoptysis.Subsequently,the patient developed agitation,paraphasia,and involuntary movement of his extremities.Laboratory testing revealed a blood sodium level of 110 mmol/L.After receiving a sodium supplement for 2 days,his blood sodium level increased to 134 mmol/L.A cranial MRT revealed symmetrical signal abnormities on long T1 and long T2 in his bilateral caudate nuclei and lenticular nuclei.Symptomatic treatments were given and the patients'symptoms improved somewhat.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal