
人肝癌细胞与成纤维细胞共育时细胞增殖率的动态变化 被引量:1

The Dynamic Changes of Cell Proliferative Rates of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells and Fibroblasts Cocultured in Vitro
摘要 本文采用定位细胞培养技术,将人肝癌细胞和成纤维细胞有序地排列在同一容器内,用原位计数法分别测定两种细胞在培养12、36、60、84h的细胞数,计算两种细胞在不同时相的增殖率,观察人肝癌细胞和成纤维细胞的相互影响。结果显示:肝癌细胞在12~36h、36~60h期间可刺激成纤维细胞的生长;在60~84h则抑制成纤维细胞的生长。成纤维细胞在12~36h刺激肝癌细胞的生长,在60~84h则对肝癌细胞的生长起抑制作用。 In this experiment, a localized cell culture method was employed to investigate the interaction between human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and fibroblasts cocultured for different time phases. After being cultured for 12,36,60 and 84 hours, the numbers of the two kinds of cells were counted and cell proliferative rates were calculated. The results indicated that the cancer cells stimulated the fibroblasts proliferation during 12 ̄36 hours and 36 ̄60 hours, and inhibited the fibroblasts growth during 60 ̄84 hours, and that the fibroblasts stimulated the tumor cells proliferation during 12 ̄36 hours and inhibited the tumor cells growth during 60 ̄84 hours.
出处 《解剖科学进展》 CAS 1998年第2期153-156,共4页 Progress of Anatomical Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 肝癌 成纤维细胞 定位细胞培养 细胞增殖率 human hepatocellular carcinoma cells fibroblasts proliferative rates coculture localized cell culture
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