

Efficacy of combination of vacuum constriction device and intracavernous injection for the treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction
摘要 目的:评价联合运用真空负压理疗仪(VCD)和海绵体内血管活性药物注射(ICI)治疗心因性勃起功能障碍(PED)的效用和不良反应、方法:对136例PED病人进行上述联合治疗。首先经过各种检查排除器质性因素,同时接受人格测试(MMPI)以评定其人格状况、治疗时在性知识教育、性心理疏导的基础上,分成盐酸罂粟碱+PGE1和单纯PGE1两组;对所有病人每周均进行1~2次VCD治疗。结果:共计119例接受最终随访评估。罂粟碱+PGE1组:59例获成功勃起.5例失败问例出现异常勃起);PGE1组:51例获成功勃起,4例失败。VCD治疗常见的不良反应:治疗时感到缩窄环处疼痛(21例,19.1%),包皮水肿(4例,3.6%),无其他严重的不良反应。联合治疗后行性生活时阴茎平均勃起时间范围为5~45(平均19.4)min。85.7%(102例)在治疗中自主勃起功能改善,75.6%(90例)对自己的勃起功能得到改善或恢复感到满意,73.2%(87例)在随访中表示对上述联合治疗满意。结论:联合运用ICI和VCD治疗心国性勃起功能障碍是一种安全、有效、非侵入性和价廉的治疗方法。 Objectives:To evaluate efficacy and adverse effects of combination of Vaccum Contriction Device (VCD) and intracavernous pharmaco therapy(ICI) on psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Methods: From Feb. 96 to Feb. 98, 136 patients referred for impotence, without hypogonadism, hyperprolactinemia,pelvic fracture or diabetes,were investigated with nocturnal erectorigidometry (NPTR), doppler peno-brachial index (PBI), intracavernous prostaglandin test,cavernosography,cavernosometry if needed. MMPI was used for personal ity assessment. Besides the medical interview,sexual counseling and sexual education,all pa tients were given either papaverine +prostaglandin E1 or prostaglandin only. Successful men streamlined for self-injection program. At same time, all were offered a VCD for once or twice a week. Results: 119 men were evaluated. Mean age of sample was 40.3 years,range 21 to 68 years. Papaverine + prostaglandin E1 group: 59 achieved successful erection and 5 failed. Prostaglandin group: 51 achieved successful erection and 4 failed. The most frequent adverse effect of VCD was pain from the constriction ring in 21 patients(19. 1% ). 4 patients (3.6%) experienced petechiae of skin. No other serious side effects were observed. The mean duration of erection after the combination treatment ranged from 5-45 minutes with an av erage of 19. 4 minutes. 87 patients (73. 2%) were satisfied with the combination therapy. 102 patients (85. 7%) reported about increasing spontaneous erections during the combination therapy. 90 patients (75. 6%) reported satisfaction in rebuilding their sexual activity. Con clusions:The management of combination of lCI and VCD is a safe, non-invasive, cheap and effective option in management of ED in psychogenic patients.
出处 《男科学报》 CSCD 1998年第4期231-235,共5页
关键词 负压理疗 海绵体 阳痿 心因性 药物疗法 Vacuum constriction device Intracavernous injection Impotence, psychogenic Treatment
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