The coronary arteries were mechanically stenosed in different degrees for 1 hour in 18 dogs, and coronary spasm were induced by drug in 24 rabbits. The morphologic changes of early acute myocardial ischemia were studied with both light and electron microscope. The wavy phenomenon of myocardial cells was found in all animals of the experimental groups, and were classified into mild, medium and severe (I, II and III) grades. Grades II-III were found often associated with contraction bands of rnyocardial cells. There was no evident characteristic lesion observed under electromicroscope in grade I,but in grades II-III, there were edema and muscular rupture of myocardial cells, swelling and fragmention or vacuolation of mitochondria, and myocomma coagulum during formation of contraction bands. The results suggested that wavy phenomenon in grades II-III may be a morphlological sign of early acute myocardial ischemia, while an association with contraction band would indicate a more severe ischemia.
Acute myocardial ischemia
Wavy phenomenon
Contraction band