
动态定价策略下的精确库存成本建模与优化 被引量:3

Modeling and optimization of exact inventory cost with dynamic pricing policy
摘要 提出一种更接近实际的需求率公式,在式中同时考虑了价格和出厂时间对客户需求率的影响.基于新的需求率公式,建立了动态定价策略下的精确库存持有成本模型和库存商品的利润函数.注意到利润函数的复杂性,使用遗传算法分析了利润函数的性质,得出最优定价时间、定价价格和最大利润的关系,并分析了库存持有成本变化和消费者购买欲望变化对各定价参数的影响. A demand rate expression closer to reality is presented considering the influence of both price and the time when the products apart from factory. With dynamic pricing policy,the profit function of an inventory cost model is established. Exact holding cost model is also investigated. Because of the complex form of the function,the properties of the profit function are analyzed by using genetic algorithm. The relationships of the optimal profit and the optimal price and repricing time are given. And the affects of changing holding cost and consumers desire to purchase are also investigated.
出处 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期422-424,429,共4页 Control and Decision
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60574077 60874071) 国家863计划项目(2007AA04Z102)
关键词 库存 动态定价 需求率 利润 精确库存持有成本 Inventory Dynamic pricing Demand rate Profit Exact holding cost
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