

Difference Analysis on Effective Economic Growth between Urban and Rural in China
摘要 本文提出了有效经济增长的概念,构建了有效经济增长动态模型,利用该模型建立了超额人均收入等相关变量的测定方法。在此基础上分别测算我国城镇部门与农村部门有效经济增长的相关指标,并进行比较分析。结果发现,改革开放以来我国城镇部门有效经济增长无论从绝对量上还是增长速度上都明显高于、快于农村部门;城镇部门有效经济增长的减损量大于农村部门;而农村部门对有效经济增长的减损强度却大于城镇部门。因此,推动城市化且合理控制城市化进程的速度,是降低我国有效经济增长的减损强度,实现有效经济增长可持续性的有力途径。 This paper introduces the new concept of 'effective economic growth',sets up the 'Dynamic Model for Effective Economic Growth' and puts forward determination method of excess income per capita.Then it measures,compares and analyzes the effective economic growth and its relative indexes in urban and rural areas based on the model.The results show that since the reform the level and speed of the effective economic growth in urban area is obviously higher and faster than that in rural area,that the derogation quantity of effective economic growth in urban area is bigger than that in rural area while its derogation intensity in rural is bigger than that in urban.Therefore it is a good way to promote urbanization and to properly control the speed of urbanization to decrease derogation intensity of effective economic growth and to achieve sustainable economic growth for China
作者 李月
出处 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期61-68,共8页 Modern Economic Science
基金 国家社科基金"我国经济增长向依靠消费投资出口协调拉动的转变"(08BJL014) 天津社科基金"有效经济增长-包含人口因素的经济增长动态过程"(TJJL07-032) 南开大学校内文科青年项目(NKQ09007)的资助
关键词 有效经济增长 超额人均收入 人均基准消费 减损强度 城市化进程速度 Effective economic growth Excess income per capita Derogation density Urbanization speed
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