
冷却塔供冷技术的实验研究 被引量:2

Experimental study on tower cooling technology
摘要 冷季或过渡季节采用冷却塔供冷技术对建筑物有内热源区域进行供冷是既节能又环保的技术.利用哈尔滨地区的气侯条件,采用冷却塔直接供冷方式进行了实验研究,分析了影响冷却塔供冷效果的因素以及节能效果.实验证明,当以室外湿球温度10℃为冷却塔的转换温度时,系统的节能率可以达到14.8%. During the cold or transition season periods,the technology of tower cooling is used to cool the internal heat source region in the buildings,which is energy saving and environment-protected technology.To make use of the climatic conditions of the cold or transition season in Harbin,the air conditioning experimental study is done through the technology of tower cooling directly.The influence factors of tower cooling and energy-saving effectiveness are analyzed.With the result of experiment,when outdoor wet bulb temperature 10 ℃ is as diversion temperature,fractional energy savings of this system can reach at 14.8%.
出处 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第1期99-102,共4页 Journal of Harbin University of Commerce:Natural Sciences Edition
关键词 冷却塔供冷 实验 影响因素 节能 tower cooling experiments influence factors energy saving
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