1Stephen Chappu is Richard Stiggins Juth After and Jan Chappuis(2005) Assessment for learning:an action guide for school leaders. Assment Training Institute, OR: 27.
2Jan Chappuis, Stephen Chappuis, (2002). Uderstanding School Assessment.Assessment Training lnstitute,Poterland,OR:17-18.
3Elliot E. J & Ysseldyke J.(1998)What about assessment and accountability?Teacher Exceptional Children: 20-27.
4Consortium for Policy Research in Education(2001).State assessment and accountability systems:50 state profiles.http://www.gse.upenn.edu/cpre/docs/pubs/proffles.html.
5Stiggins R. J(2005). Student-Involved Assessemnt for Learning, Prentice Hall,NJ :Merril:22-25.