本文介绍了新一代IHM.B具备更强机械性能的高功率IGBT模块,其融合了最新的设计、材料、焊接和安装技术。首批IHM.B模块将搭载最新的、采用沟槽栅单元设计的3.3kV IGBT3芯片,在保持机械兼容性的同时,极大地提高了器件的热效率和电气效率。本文还对宇宙射线以及功率循环试验进行了研究。
New designsin power electronics always demand for an increase in power density, improved reliability and simpler assembly. Enabling higher thermal and electrical chip utilization combined with higher robustness and module reliability paired with compatibility to existing designs have been the targets of the lastest module development presented in the following. This paper also reasearched cosmic rays and power cyclic test.
Power Electronics