Cognex Corporation has introduced two kinds of new one-dimensional bar code readers under industrial ID reader DataMan^(?) series. DataMan 100 QL and DataMan 200 QL fixed bar code readers become the best one-dimensional bar code reading in the industry.The new code readers have many advantages which enables easy upgarde in the future. If the future application needs to change, the reader can be easily add with two-dimensional bar codes and QR Code reading function. With the equivalent cost of laser scanner, the user can get more reliable code reading performance with DataMan QL. DataMan QL series can easily read, such as low contrast, damage, or serious perspective deformation markings which laser scanner can not read. More importantly.DataMan QL can be adapted to future needs.Users only need a simple software upgrade, it is then possible to read both one-dimensional and two-dimensional bar codes with the reader. With the new type of 1D coding algorithm standard, DataMan QL-series Cognex 1DMax^(?) have excellenent proformance for one-dimensional code reading.Except to read the code vague or damage outside, 1DMax can successfully read the print labels encoding on the edge of quiet zone which usually have disorder issue.By using the system 'configuration tool', the DataMan QL readers can be easily applied in any environment.'Configuration tool' also includes image archiving feature, which allows users to capture the image and transfer to personal computer to identify the causes of the failure reading. In addition.Cognex released a new version of DataMan software recently.The new features such as.upgarded 1DMax for 1D bar code reading, enhanced USB driver for USB connection stability, new ethernet network IP for DataMan 200 and Improved the IDQuick^(?) algorithm.
China Food Industry