
群策群力 “两会”热议食品安全

Highlights of food safety discussion during NPC & CPPCC Session 2010
摘要 近年来,接二连三的食品安全问题不断发生,使高举“民以食为天,民意安为先”的中国食品行业不断面临拷问。这也使得食品安全几乎已经成为近几届“两会”的必谈话题。2008年的“三聚氰胺”事件让食品安全问题一度升级,同时也催生了2009年6月出台的《食品安全法》。诚然,食品安全问题是一个全球普遍存在的问题,即使是食品安全法规比较健全的发达国家也在不断发生新问题和新情况,并在这一过程中实现法规的不断完善。 In recent years, China's food industry has faced more and more challenges from food safety aspects.As a Chinese old saying says, 'Food comes first to people, safety comes first to food'.the food safety issues are always a hot topic during the NPC & CPPCC Session.In 2008, the 'melamine crisis' had alerted the government.Right after the year, 'Food Safety Law' was enforced by Chinese government. In the NPC & CPPCC sessions of 2010, various political parties, organizations and all CPPCC National Committee members expressed and proposed their ideas on the major issues related on people's living in China.Among the topics, food safety issues were enhanced again to the national level.As a special report for NPC & CPPCC session 2010, the highlights of food safety related topics are summaried as follow: Highlights 1: 'Food Safety Law Enforcement Inspection Report' Speaker: Lu Yongxiang, vice chairman of NPC Standing Committee The NPC Standing Committee has carried out a nationwide inspection of law enforcement in the same year of the 'Food Safety Law' implementation.According to the results of the examzation.All the parties and government leaders kept the emphasis on food safety and all the community kept the concerning on the food safety issues. It can be conclued that since the promulgation and implementation of 'Food Safety Law', the food safety work is effectively improved in good condition. The integration of food safety standards is an important issue.As a long way ahead, the implementation of the 'Food Safety Law' still have many challenges.For instance, to improve the lack of standards and non-uniform, non-convergence problems and to establish a unified food safety standard system.Based on the situation above, it is recommended the NPC Standing Committee should continue to focus on food safety and the implementation of 'Food Safety Law' and to launch the 'Food Safety Law' enforcement inspection again in 2011. Highlights 2: Food Safety is the ' bottom line' to protect the living of the people Speaker: CPPCC member and Minister of Health, Chen Zhu Food safety issue is a major challenge for many countries, the key gatekeeper is the ethics of food production company.Food Safety can be considered as the 'bottom line' to protect the living of the people. China is striving to build a national food security system. In fact, the food safety issue is indeed a difficult aspect to avoid completely in the process of rapid economic development.But we try to make this hazard and risk down to the minimum.On the other side, food production enterprises should first take the corresponding social responsibility to ensure food safety.In a sense, business ethics is the most important aspect.As an expert said, safe food is not made under inspections but responsible productions. In addition, it is necessary to improve the development of enterprise scale and the overall level of the food industry in the future. Because, the large-scale food enterprises enable to establish integrated production, supply and security system and also easy for government to control.It is therefore recommended to take strong measures, through the brand strategy, and encourage superior enterprises to become leader company of the industry.By enhancing the sense of responsibility and self-discipline, the companies will become a new reference of other companies. Highlights 3: To emphasize the quality and safety management from the up stream of agricultural products Speaker: Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Wei Chaoan 'Law on quality and safety of agricultural products' in 2006 and 'Food Safety Law' in 2009 have referred that the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for quality management of edible agricultural products.The quality and safety of agricultural products is also the main issue for China's government in this year. Upon the years of efforts, the quality and safety level of China's agricultural products has increased rapidly.In 2009.the pass-rate of food qualtiy detection reached 90%.The major food products, such as vegetables, animal products and aquatic products have the overall quality in safe level.However, it should be noted that China is now in the transition stage from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. At this stage.China's agricultural production and management rather scattered and backward than modern of production.On the other side, the supervision was introduced relatively late, infrastructure is relatively poor and many risks and weaknesses may remain.Therefore, the chanllenge for Chinese government is to ensure the good development of agricultural products, the structural balance and quality and safety level.In short, a good inspecting and monitoring work will be a long-term and arduous task. Highlights 4: Be responsible for safety inspection of catering industry Speaker: China Food and Drug Administration, Food Safety Supervision,Secretary, Xu Jinghe The facts of many small scattered services are the characteristics of China's catering industry.The supervision and inspection work is a very arduous task.In 2009.China Food and Drug Administration has carried out food safety supervision for catering services.In the past year, the Food and Drug Supervision Departments had the main focus on the illegal making and using of food additives.Furthremore.the catering place such as school canteens, construction site canteen, tourist spots and small caterings including the tableware disinfection places have also been inspected.This year is the second year of consolidation and intergration of catering severice in China, the inspection task will be very critical in 2010. In 2009, China FDA have been actively participating in the establishing and implmenting of 'Food Safety Law', and constantly improving the relevant supporting rules and regulations.With the help of open discussion, China FDA have launched a drafting of the 'food service license management approach' and 'food service food safety supervision and management methods.' By considering the local realities, some local departments have introduced food service and food safety regulatory system on the basis of local features. According to 'Food Safety Law', the State Council of China has established the Food Safety Committee, Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang was appointed as director of the Committee.Li Keqiang stressed that food safety is an important living issue which is necessary to apply great determination and adopt effective measures to improve food safety standards. The speech showed the decision of government to improve the food safety condition in China.However, according to the history, the establishment and improvement of one law has never been easy.It is necessary to consider this task from strategic point of view to improve it continuously. All community together with government departments need to contribute and support to the implementation of food safety law.The way ahead is long, but we still believe China's food safety issues will be better in this year.And food safety issues will no longer be a matter of lamenting the focus of people, but to become a solid foundation for social harmony and economic booming in the future.
出处 《中国食品工业》 2010年第3期12-14,16,共4页 China Food Industry
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