
电子商务立法:全球趋同化中存在利益分歧--美国与欧盟的立场分析 被引量:6

Legislation of E-commerce Law:Global Incorporation with Interest Diversity——From the Prospective of the US and EU
摘要 在电子商务法律的全球趋同化中,利益是影响电子商务国际法律制度构建的关键因素。在WTO电子商务工作计划磋商中,对于数字化交付的信息产品应适用的WTO贸易规则,美国与欧盟基于各自的利益提出了尖锐对立的主张。在电子商务的全球治理体系构建中,要警惕强势国家为实现本国贸易利益全球化而实施的法律输出行为。 As E commerce law comes into global incorporation, interest becomes the key factor of building international E-commerce legal system. In the negotiation of WTO E-commerce work project, the US and EU, based on their own interest, propose acutely opposite proposition on WTO trade rule for digitally-delivered content products. It should be taken notice that the power countries export the legal regulation for their global trade interests during the building of international E-commerce governing system.
作者 郭鹏
机构地区 华南师范大学法
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期60-65,共6页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目《经济全球化与中国电子商务法律研究》(批准号:07BFX079)
关键词 数字化交付的信息产品 WTO 电子商务 digitally-delivered content products WTO e-commerce
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