

Research on Operational Requirements of Satellite Application Based on WDA
摘要 根据全球卫星军事应用正在从主要为战略服务向以战术应用转换为重点,对卫星应用装备从以完成特定任务为主体转变为以支持作战单元为主体的应用。因此,如何准确、高效的获得卫星应用需求是引导装备发展规划的前提。利用WDA方法对作战需求分析领域进行研究,并提出按照部队编成和作战层次分为两维的作战空间分解模型;再根据模型提出了需求提取的过程,阐述了作战空间模型如何使用。由于WDA方法具有非事件的特点,其对各种作战情况的分析下提取的需求将更加全面。通过对不同作战具体情况的细致分析,可以发现采用WDA方法对需求分析结果更加详细。 At present, the application of satellite is transforming from stratagem oriented to tactic oriented, and equipment of satellite application is not longer for special task but for battle unit application. There for, it is the premise of guidinge equipment development to obtain requirements of the application of satellite accurately and efficiently. This paper deals with operational requirements based on the method of work domain analysis(WDA). The Battle - Space decomposition Model ( BSDM ) was puts forward, and the progress of how to get operational requirements by using BSDM. BSDW was considered in two points of view, the organization of army and the level of operation. Because of the characteristic of non - event dependent, WDA can get more comprehensive requirements which can analysis each condition of operations. Moreover, the results are much more particular through analyzing each condition.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期60-63,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 工作域分析 作战需求 需求分析 Work domain analysis(WDA) Operational requirements Requirements analysis
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