目的:根据包头市卫生局2009年食品卫生安全检测安排,调查我市范围内各类餐饮服务场所油条中的含铝量。方法:铬天青S分光光度法。结果:采集油条样品52件,铝含量最大值为750.6 mg/kg,最小值为11.5 mg/kg,平均值为238.9 mg/kg。结论:我市个体摊点、饭馆出售的油条铝多数不合格,超标率为64.4%,这是由于生产经营者管理不善,不当使用食品添加剂造成的,建议市民少食用这两个场所销售的油条;快餐连锁店的油条铝均合格,可以放心食用。
Objective:To determine aluminium content in deep-fired twisted dough sticks sold in various restaurants in urban district of Baotou according to the plan of 2009 by Baotou Municipal Bureau of Health for food sanitation inspection.Methods:Chromazurine S spectrophotometry was adopted for determination of aluminium content in deep-fired twisted dough sticks.Results:52 samples of deep-fried twisted dough sticks were taken for determination of aluminium content,with maximum of aluminium content 750.6 mg/kg,minimum of alminimum content 11.5 mg/kg and mean 238.9 mg/kg.Conclusion:Aluminium content in most deep-fried twisted dough sticks sold in small stands and privately owned restaurants in urban districts of Baotou fails to come up to the set standard of alumimium content,with 64.4% exceeding the provided standard,which results from poor management of the businessmen and the misuse of food additives.It is suggested that urban inhabitants should not go to these places mentioned above for deep-fried twisted dough sticks and that they should buy them from interlocking snack shops,where aluminium content in deep-fried twisted dough sticks reaches the set standard,and have them without worrying about their aluminium content.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Deep-fried twisted dough sticks
Food additives