

JADE environment in Agent-Oriented Modeling of Gaia
摘要 本文介绍了当今的面向agent编程技术,然后介绍了在java环境下实现agent编程的JADE框架,随后探讨了基于JADE框架实现了对一个GIS系统的Gaia建模的过程,Gaia建模方法是一种容易使用的面向agent的软件开发模式,JADE是一种很好的支持FIPA规范的agent开发环境,两者结合起来能进行更加敏捷而且高效的开发。 This paper introduces the current agent-oriented programming techniques,and then introduce in the java programming environment implementation agent of the JADE framework,and then based on the JADE framework of implementation of a GIS system in the process of Gaia modeling,Gaia Modeling Method is an easy-to-use agent-oriented software development model,JADE is a good support for FIPA standardized development environment agent combination can be more agile and efficient development.
作者 赵晋 刘斌
出处 《微计算机信息》 2010年第7期143-145,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 地理信息系统(GIS) 多AGENT系统 JADE框架 Gaia建模方法 GIS Multi-Agent system JADE framework Gaia Modeling
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