
东部沿海地区农户非农就业对农地租赁行为的影响研究 被引量:24

Study on the Impact of Off-farm Employment on Peasant's Agricultural Land Lease Behavior in Eastern Coastal China
摘要 非农就业后农户如何利用农地资源成为决定粮食安全与农民增收的关键。基于生产决策理论剖析了不同情境下农户非农就业对农地租赁行为的影响,并采用东部沿海地区599个农户调查数据进行了检验。结果表明:①有剩余劳动力与无剩余劳动力情景,农户非农就业对农地租赁行为的影响并不一致;②非农就业改变家庭要素禀赋结构与劳动力相对报酬,进而影响农地租赁行为;③东部沿海地区农地租赁行为响应是非农就业特征与外部环境综合作用的结果,其中非农就业规模、非农就业区位、非农就业逆向淘汰程度与农地租出行为呈正相关关系,从事第二产业的农户倾向于租出农地。非农就业规模的农地租赁行为响应存在门槛效应,而非农就业类型的总体影响较小。 With the rapid process of industrialization and urbanization,off-farm participation rate for peasants in eastern coastal China has risen steeply.The optimal utilization of agricultural land,therefore,becomes one of the key determinants in ensuring food security and increasing peasant's family income.Based on the theory of peasant's decision making and data from 599 households in eastern coastal China,this paper puts forth the theory of peasant's behavioral response of agricultural land lease to off-farm employment under different situations,and tests it by taking eastern costal China as a case.Results are as follows: 1)Peasant's behavioral response of agricultural land lease to off-farm employment is different between where there has surplus rural labor and where there does not have.2)Off-farm employment changes family resource endowment and the relative importance of agricultural income from labor input,and then influences peasant's behavior of agricultural land lease.Moreover,the final influences are decided by not only initial resource endowment but also any factors that influence the relative importance of agriculture income on non-agriculture wage.3)Peasant's behavioral response of agricultural land lease to off-farm employment in eastern coastal China depends on both characteristic of off-farm employment and external agricultural environment,where the more the family members participant in an off-farm job,or the farther the off-farm job is located,the stronger the peasants tend to lend their agricultural land;while peasants whose off-farm labor's education level are the highest of family labors and who are employed to the secondary industry are more inclined to rent out their land.However,the relation of off-farm employment and peasant's agricultural land lease behavior is not a simple linear relationship.There exists a threshold effect in deciding peasant's behavioral response to off-farm employment,namely,no essential difference can be found between families who has just one off-farm labor and who has none,but radical difference occurs when there are two or more off-farm labors.Besides,off-farm employment patterns have little influence on peasant's behavioral response,and the diverse behavioral response of agricultural land lease to off-farm employment is further differentiated by agricultural external environment.Under the influence of diverse off-farm employment characteristics and agricultural external environment,off-farm employment in eastern coastal China has resulted in different agricultural land lease behavior.
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期368-375,共8页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(40635029) 国家"十一五"科技支撑计划重点项目(2006BAB15B05) 中国科学院研究生社会实践项目(0727601185)
关键词 土地利用 农户非农就业 农地租赁行为 东部沿海地区 land use off-farm employment agricultural land lease behavior eastern coastal China
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