

Research and Application of Web Data Mining Technology in Chemical Deep Web
摘要 针对化学和化工领域深层网信息量大、专业性强,但是难于检索的问题,本文研究了深层网信息挖掘的相关技术及化学和化工深层网的特点,并将其综合应用于对化学和化工深层网信息资源的挖掘系统中。该系统通过提取表单标签并结合化工物性词典种子合成绝对URL地址的方式,实现了对深层网入口表单的自动填写和提交功能,采用结合了XPath文档定位语言和XSLT数据逻辑处理模式初步实现了对返回的结果页面中化学和化工数据的提取。 In view of problem of being informative and professional but difficult to retrieve for deep web in chemical field, related technology of web data mining and characteristics of chemical deep web are studied, and applies to the data mining system of chemical deep web information resources.This system can automatically fill out and submit the entrance form of deep web by extracting the form tags in combination with chemical properties dictionary seed to compose absolute URL address, using XPath document positioning language and XSLT logistic data manage model to extract the useful chemical information in the result pages.
出处 《微计算机信息》 2010年第9期151-153,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 化学和化工深层网 信息挖掘 自动提交表单 信息抽取 Chemical deep web data mining submit form automatically Information Extraction
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