
注意缺陷多动障碍儿童执行功能的延迟眼跳研究 被引量:2

On Delayed Saccade of Executive Functions in Children with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
摘要 眼跳任务常用于研究额叶纹状体环路的机能,使用延迟眼跳任务可有效分离抑制空间工作记忆,深入探究注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)儿童的执行功能损伤。48名儿童(ADHD-I型11人,ADHD-C型19人,对照组18人)完成2种实验任务:正向眼跳和延迟眼跳。结果发现:(1)ADHD儿童存在抑制功能损伤,延迟眼跳中对照组错误率的成绩优势非常显著,延迟时间的加长使ADHD组的错误率显著提高,但不影响对照组错误率。(2)ADHD儿童存在一定的空间工作记忆损伤,延迟眼跳中ADHD组有较差的精确性,且延迟时间越长组间差异越显著。(3)ADHD儿童有较长的反应时和较慢的眼跳速度。 Saccade tasks are a well-established means for examining frontal-striatal functioning.Delayed saccade tasks can disunite inhibitions from spatial working memory effectively.Using delayed saccade tasks as a tool to analyze inhibitions and spatial working memory could contribute to a better understanding of executive dysfunctions in children with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder(ADHD).Participants,with ADHD-combined(n=19),ADHD-inattentive(n=11)and control subjects(n=18),complete 2 saccade tasks:the prosaccade task and the delayed saccade task.The results are as follows:(1)The ADHD group exhibits more response suppression errors than normal children on the delayed saccade task.Errors are not different for normal children when delayed time is lengthened,but different for the ADHD group,which indicates the disinhibitions in the ADHD group;(2)the interactions between groups and the delayed time are significant in accuracy on the delayed saccade task.The ADHD group shows a significant impairment in spatial accuracy when delayed time is lengthened,which indicates spatial working memory deficits in the ADHD group;(3)The ADHD group shows a longer response latency,a lower average velocity and peak velocity than the normal children.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期40-47,共8页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学重点课题(编号:z05jy01)的成果
关键词 ADHD 延迟眼跳 抑制 空间工作记忆 ADHD delayed saccade inhibitions spatial working memory
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