
履历数据测评的效度分析 被引量:10

Biodata as A Personnel Recruitment Selection Approach in China: Assessment and Its Validity
摘要 履历数据是人员测评的重要手段,但其组织情景性限制使得国外同类工具不能适用于国内人事选拔,国内也缺乏实证研究验证其信度、效度。本研究结合某通信企业的招募选拔工作,开发履历数据分析工具,选取250名应聘者的履历数据、一般认知能力、大五个性和面试结果数据,通过效标关联效度、增量效度思想,分析履历数据有效性。结果表明,以面试结果为效标,履历数据具有良好的效标关联效度,与其他测评工具组合使用时有良好的增量效度。 In this study, we examined the validity and reliability of a domestically-derived biodata assessment tool targeted to recruitment in China. The use of biodata provides an important and key assessment method in personnel assessment and selection. It focuses on an individual's personal history. One's past behaviors are critical predictors in predicting individual's future behaviors. Consequently, biodata uses facts from an individual's past to predict future working behaviors. Despite of the promise of biodata as an assessment tool, its validity and reliability within China has been limited. In the assessment and selection of government officials in China, biodata methods are mainly used during the first step of screening potential candidates. During the early stages of screening, it will lead to subjective and unstable results without defining proper criteria. In universities in China, millions of resumes were received during annual campus recruitment require processing. An implementation of biodata resume filtering is the primary choice in determining the first pool of applicants' competency level. Biodata methods also have a long history of effectively coordinating personnel assessment. However, the usage of biodata tools derrived from outside of China have not been valid or reliable for personnel recruitment within China. In order to promote accuracy during the utilization of biodata information in making proper decisions, this study developed a biodata assessment tool for use in China's campus recruitment. We developed an application form using a standardized coding tool to measure biodata information. During implementation we first developed biodata assessment tools, selecting 250 applicants' data consisting of an individual's cognitive ability, personality, biodata and interviewing ability. Secondly, we coded the application forms with a standardized coding tool. In the semi-structured application form, the biodata information, such as academic records, computer skills, rewards and social experiences, were used by a score scaling method. We then statistically tested the validity with a verification method which is seeking the relationship between biodata and other assessment tools. After the logarithmic transformation of the scaling data and the reliability analysis was completed, a validity analysis was conducted from the biodata, cognitive ability, personality and the interview results. The results revealed that the relationship was congruent with previous research results verifying the validity and incremental value ofbiodata. It explained reliable variance of personnel recruitment decsions. The statistical result showed that the validity of our domestically-derived biodata tools in prediction was effective, and, in turn, revealed that biodata can be an effective tool for personnel assessment. We also determined that biodata would account for distinct incremental variance in the selection result in comparison with the variance contributed by GMA or FFM personality data. We then concluded that biodata's joint use of other assessment would increase its prediction significance. Based on this conclusion, the study provides implementation solutions for biodata scoring and it's use with other measuring tools based on empirical research. In conclusion, the scaling tools developed and the methods used in this research can supply significant validity in assessment. The instruments are both cost effective and easy to operate. We verify the incremental validity based on empirical research using Chinese data which offers both theoretical and practical contributions.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期423-433,共11页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No70871102) 浙江大学管理学院种子基金(Z65715)资助
关键词 履历数据 人员测评 效度 biodata personnel assessment validity
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